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Sean Heslep Scruffy 8x10 SIG - 9.jpg

Born and raised in Tampa, FL, Sean Heslep graduated college at the University of South Florida. It was here he was able to study under Professors such as Fanni Green, Dora Arreola, Daniel Granke and Dr. Sybil Johnson. Classically trained, Sean has played roles from Shakespeare to Ellen Byron. With these influences he was able to sharpen his acting skills by stretching his range in both classical and contemporary theatre. In Sean's acting career he's had the pleasure of working with remarkable individuals who have presented many opportunities for him. He has performed in a number of independent short and feature films throughout the Southeast Region. In his roles on film he had the opportunity to play everything from slapstick comedy to heart felt dramas. His passion to dive-in and create memorable characters motivates him on and off the screen.

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